The File Analysis Service (FAS) collects system file information. This information is used to recommend areas where file system storage can be optimised, enabling cost savings and system optimisation.

The file analysis tool created by ICT Analytics  analyses your file systems and provides detailed reports on your disk usage. Armed with this information you can maximise your investment in your storage and build an informed strategy on future storage purchases. The information can also be applied to maximise your storage investment through deduplication and archiving thus improving your backup throughput and disaster recovery planning.

Recent studies show storage requirements increasing up to a staggering 75% year on year. An informed storage strategy helps maximise your future storage purchases and increase your ROI. Customers using our tools have reclaimed up to 70% of their existing storage by utilising deduplication and archiving technologies.

Toda organización se enfrenta a una serie de retos fundamentales:

  • Reducing cost.
  • Managing growth in (particularly unstructured) data.
  • Increased accountability.
  • The need to protect a key asset: company information.

Estos retos conducen a iniciativas informáticas comunes como la consolidación, la protección y la reducción de datos, e incluyen los siguientes factores clave:

  • The amount of information within the organisation.
  • The value of this information over time.
  • Existing IT infrastructure limitations.
  • End‐user behaviour.
  • Available budget.
  • Meeting increasing compliance requirements for retention.

FAS se centra en particular en el análisis de datos y archivos no estructurados, que son con mucho los más prolíficos y complejos de gestionar y controlar. Los estudios demuestran sistemáticamente que hasta el 80% de los datos de una organización se originan de esta forma. Los datos no estructurados son de dos tipos básicos:

  • Textual objects based on the written language such as letters, proposals, numerical analysis, email, presentations etc.
  • Bitmap and non‐language-based objects such as images, videos and audio files.

En cambio, los datos estructurados, que suelen almacenarse en aplicaciones centralizadas como CRM y ERP y bases de datos, pueden gestionarse y controlarse más fácilmente.

In summary, unstructured data has many attributes that can be collected and analysed to provide an accurate and clear picture to support an organisation’s data management decisions both in the short term and more strategically.

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