We believe you could reduce monthly cost by at least 30%

Want to get your Cloud cost under control ?

Cloud cost – save at least 30%

Azure cost high and rising without a clear understanding of where the money is being spent?

Complex billing

Millions of line items and thousands of part numbers?

Cost forecasting and modelling

Planning migration and need to accurately simulate and optimise the projected cost? Are you able to assess the “real” cost of Azure before migrating to the Cloud?


Published levels of over-provisioning? Is what you have paid for actually available when you need it?

Duty of care

Are you able to easily identify and resolve Cloud backup failures, replication failures or perhaps orphaned disk storage that is not mounted to a Virtual Machine but still being charged for?

Cost control

Are you in control of your Cloud Computing expenditure?

Optimised assets

Are you confident your assets are optimised and there is no wastage or overspend?

Asset utilisation

¿Puede ver de un vistazo la utilización y los costes de los activos y las aplicaciones?

Billing accuracy

¿Está seguro de que su facturación es correcta?

VMware optimisation or alternatives?

¿Necesita optimizar su patrimonio actual y buscar opciones para reducir costes?


Most organisations now run some or all their infrastructure in the Cloud and expenditure is growing year on year.

Research suggests that almost a third of this spending is wasted annually.
The majority of companies are unsure about their exact spending on Cloud services and are significantly overspending.

Our solution – save at least 30%

Simple agentless data collection

Simple command line tools are provided to do agentless data collection covering all aspects of customers’ infrastructure from Azure billing to Application Dependency Mapping.

Results delivered though the IOPS web portal

Results of the analysis are delivered through a web-based portal called IOPS (Infrastructure Optimisation Portal Service.)

Automated service to process data

Todos los datos brutos son procesados por ICT Analytics as a Service para ofrecer una amplia gama de resultados acordados centrados en reducir los costes de la nube.



Identify which components and assets are the high-cost items and the proportion of spend across the platform. Easily see potential savings opportunities and eliminate unused resources, reducing spend on your Azure Cloud by 30% or more.

Profile your infrastructure and apps to ensure they have been allocated only the resources needed to provide optimum performance at the lowest cost in real time. Pattern matching autocorrelation capability identifies regular spikes in CPU or memory that can be attributed to agents.

Los equipos de ingeniería pueden utilizar el portal para hacer operativos los procesos FinOps y realizar un seguimiento de los cambios efectuados para garantizar la excelencia operativa.

Select your workloads and create workload groups, then simply drag and drop them onto Azure resource groups simulating their migration destinations and creating a detailed projection of the costs. 

IOPS will enable you to model and develop a cost-effective plan and business case, optimised for your Cloud service needs.

Automatice y gestione los recursos de las aplicaciones en tiempo real para garantizar un rendimiento óptimo con un coste mínimo.

Enable tangible financial benefit measurement. Establish an automated  baseline of consistent savings.

Ver los Dashboards que muestran:

  • Cost analysis of all relevant financial billing details.
  • Cost and savings breakdown by category.
  • Costs per datacentre, application and storage.
  • Costs recovered and costs avoided.

Plus, group by asset type and report in a few clicks, view complete backup reports and much more.

Todos los datos son fácilmente visibles en un único lugar, lo que le permite tomar decisiones más inteligentes y controlar su plataforma Azure. Si está planificando la migración a Azure, unas herramientas de modelado de costes precisas le permitirán tomar las decisiones correctas.


With our data collection and migration simulation modelling tools, we can help you accurately simulate, model and migrate to an alternative solution whether it’s to the Azure Cloud,  a private Cloud or bare metal services, enabling you to make the correct strategy decisions.

Identify the total cost of an asset including storage and backup, allowing you to map your companies’ resources to their associated business units and enabling you to allocate your Cloud spend to the correct departments.

The portal can serve as a CMDB by tracking changes to location, memory ,CPU and hundreds of other configuration attributes.

Receive a detailed asset inventory report to ensure compliance, including unsupported hardware and software as well as ensuring patching compliance.

Validación automática de la facturación.

Reductions in usage put towards your sustainability targets.

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